Date: 14/06/2023

Tips for Choosing the Best CCTV System for Home & Small Business

Choosing the Best CCTV System for your business

Ensuring the security of your business necessitates a thorough review of CCTV system options. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting you in selecting and designing the ideal commercial CCTV system that meets your specific requirements. We strive to find the optimal business security solution for you. In this blog post, we will provide you with four helpful tips for selecting the best CCTV unit for your business.

What Types of Security Cameras Are There?

Selecting the perfect security camera involves considering the specific needs of your property. Generally, there are several types of security cameras to choose from, each designed to suit different environments:

  • Indoor Security Cameras: These are typically small, battery-operated units installed in strategic positions inside your home or business. Many come equipped with motion sensors to record only when suspicious activity is detected.
  • Outdoor Security Cameras: Larger than their indoor counterparts, these cameras are installed on external walls to monitor the surroundings of your property. They often feature night vision for low light situations and can be wired or wireless.
  • Doorbell Cameras: Installed at your front door, these cameras allow you to see and even communicate with whoever comes to your door through an app on your phone, offering a convenient solution for monitoring visitors and receiving deliveries.

Understanding the different types of security cameras available will guide you in making an informed decision when choosing the best CCTV system for your home or small business.

Choosing the Best CCTV Cameras for Home

For home setups, wireless systems stand out for their user-friendliness and easy installation. Opt for cameras with motion sensors and remote monitoring features to enhance security while maintaining convenience. Integration with existing home devices is a plus, facilitating a seamless user experience.

Choosing the Best CCTV System for Small Business

In a small business environment, a comprehensive CCTV system that combines indoor and outdoor cameras is essential. Wired systems offer reliability, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Focus on high-resolution cameras that provide clear images under various lighting conditions, and prioritize easy footage storage and retrieval for efficiency and security.

Additionally, a till fraud detection system is a savvy addition for retail businesses, ensuring each transaction is legitimate and transparent, thereby enhancing financial security and operational trustworthiness. Retail security systems, including CCTV and till fraud detection, are essential for creating a secure environment for both customers and business operations.

Incorporating a security checklist for facility management into your strategy can further streamline the safeguarding of your business premises, ensuring that all potential vulnerabilities are addressed and mitigated through your CCTV and broader security setup.

This includes understanding the benefits of alarm systems, which can act as a first line of defense, alerting you immediately to any unauthorized access or other security incidents, while your CCTV system provides the necessary visual verification.

Tip 1: Differentiate Between Wired & Wireless Units

When setting up your CCTV infrastructure, one of the most critical decisions you will have to make is whether to use wired or wireless units. The perfect CCTV system might include a combination of both wired and wireless components or solely consist of either wireless or wired components. Wired units provide reliability, while wireless units offer flexibility in terms of placement, especially in outdoor areas where there is no access to a power outlet.

Tip 2: Choose CCD Chips

When selecting a CCTV camera for your business, one of the decisions you will need to make is whether to choose CCD chips or CMOS chips. CCD chips are the preferred option as they provide exceptional image quality and sensitivity to light, they tend to be more robust and have a larger size, making them ideal for capturing clear and precise footage. In contrast, CMOS chips generally offer lower quality and result in poorer image clarity.

Aside from selecting the appropriate camera, it is crucial to consider where the footage will be stored. Cloud storage is an excellent option for storing CCTV footage as it enables remote access to the footage and secure offsite storage. For more information, see this post detailing what cloud CCTV is.

In addition to visual surveillance, the importance of fire alarm systems in enhancing safety cannot be overlooked. These systems play a critical role in early fire detection, complementing the security offered by CCTV.

Tip 3: Select Between Monochrome & Colour

When deciding between monochrome (black and white) and colour CCTV cameras, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements of the surveillance environment and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors to consider:

Light sensitivity:

Monochrome cameras tend to perform better in low-light conditions, as they are more sensitive to light and can capture clearer images. Colour cameras, on the other hand, require more light to produce a clear image, so they may not be the best choice for poorly lit environments.

Image detail and recognition:

Colour CCTV cameras provide better image detail and can make it easier to identify specific features, such as clothing or vehicle colours. This can be particularly useful in identifying suspects or tracing incidents. Monochrome cameras, while still providing good image quality, may not offer the same level of detail.


Monochrome cameras are generally less expensive than colour cameras, making them a more cost-effective option for businesses or homeowners with budget constraints. Colour cameras, while providing better image detail, can be more expensive due to their more advanced technology.

Environmental factors:

In some environments, such as factories or areas with high levels of dust or dirt, monochrome cameras may be a better choice, as they are less affected by these environmental factors. Colour cameras may struggle to produce clear images in such environments.

Infrared capabilities:

Many monochrome cameras are equipped with infrared capabilities, allowing them to capture clear images in complete darkness. Some colour cameras also have infrared capabilities, but they often switch to monochrome mode when using infrared, negating the benefit of having a colour camera in those situations.

Aesthetic considerations:

For some users, the aesthetic appeal of a monochrome camera may be preferable, as they may blend in better with the environment, particularly in historic or traditionally designed buildings.
Ultimately, the choice between monochrome and colour CCTV cameras depends on the specific needs of the surveillance environment, as well as factors such as budget, lighting conditions, and desired image detail. It may also be worth considering a combination of both types of cameras to ensure optimal coverage and performance.

The following post offers more information on the benefits of CCTV systems for small businesses.

Tip 4: Consider the Experience of the Installation Team

Prior to investing in a CCTV system, such as Axis CCTV or Avigilon CCTV, it is crucial to engage the services of a skilled installation team. Whether it comes to home or commercial CCTV installation, arrange for them to visit your business premises for an initial consultation, during which you can discuss your requirements.

During this consultation, it might also be beneficial to discuss auxiliary security measures, such as choosing an intercom system, to further enhance the safety of your premises. It could be a good opportunity to understand how alarm monitoring functions can complement your CCTV system for a robust security setup.

Additionally, keep in mind how your CCTV system may impact individuals’ privacy. MJ Flood Security provides CCTV redaction services to assist you in complying with privacy regulations.

For further details, check out our blog posts on intriguing CCTV facts and prevalent CCTV myths.

Where Are the Best Places for My CCTV Security Camera?

Elevated Positions

Placing cameras high ensures a broader coverage range and protects them from accidental or intentional damage. Elevated positions offer a vantage point that can cover a wide area, providing comprehensive surveillance.

Strong Connection Areas

Ensure that the areas you choose for camera installation have a robust wifi connection to facilitate seamless communication between your devices. A strong connection ensures that your security system functions optimally, providing real-time updates without lag.

Clear Angles

When installing your security cameras, it is vital to ensure clear angles that cover potential blind spots. Adjust the cameras to angle downwards, offering a clear view and eliminating areas where intruders can hide.

Common Entry Points

Cover areas that are common entry points for burglars, including front and back doors, and driveways. If you have a balcony, it should also be under surveillance to prevent unauthorized access through it.

Rooms with Valuables

Install cameras in rooms where you store valuables to get an early warning in case of any attempts of theft. Ensuring these areas are well-covered helps in safeguarding your valuable possessions and provides evidence in case of a break-in.

By strategically placing your security cameras in these areas, you enhance the security of your home or small business, ensuring a safe and secure environment. It is always beneficial to consult with a security expert to identify the best spots for camera installation, tailored to your property’s unique layout.

By strategically placing your security cameras in these areas, you enhance the security of your home or small business. It is always beneficial to consult with a security expert to identify the best spots for camera installation, tailored to your property’s unique layout. Additionally, when considering overall security, it’s crucial to think about choosing the best access control system that complements your CCTV setup, ensuring a comprehensive security solution for your premises.

Moreover, for small to medium businesses, it’s essential to incorporate specific security tips for small to medium businesses into your strategy. This includes regularly updating security protocols, training staff on security awareness, and ensuring that your CCTV system is part of a broader, integrated security approach. These steps are crucial in safeguarding against evolving security threats and maintaining a secure business environment.

Our experts at MJ Flood Security can assist you in selecting the appropriate CCTV system for your needs. To learn more, get in touch with us today.
